
Big Chunk & Shots

Today Carter had his 2month check-up and I can report he is a big healthy boy!! He weighed in at 15lbs, 1oz and 24inches long - those measurements put him in the 97% and 90%iles respectively - BIG CHUNKER!! Anderson was the same way when he was a baby - he was always on the "big" side his 1st year, then he's now on the bottom of the charts - my little peanut!!

Along with the 2month check-up comes the first vaccinations!!! 4 shots & one 'oral' vaccination. It's so hard to watch your sweet innocent little boy get 'stuck' so many times and can't do anything but be there for them (& offer some Tylenol). It's such a sad moment to me, their bodies have been so pure and have had nothing but breastmilk until now when he has all this 'medicine' flowing thru him. I survived this visit and didn't cry (I did with Anderson). Here's a recent pic of my little 2 month old brave chunker!!


anthonyandbeth said...

I love that he is a big chunk! So cutie! I know those shots days are hard on a mommy too! They just have the most awful cry when they realize they are in pain. :( Sounds like you held yourself together, though. Hope he's done well today for you, considering the trauma! :) REALLY, he is SO cute!

Katy said...

Isn't it so traumatic! Hope he still slept well for you (mine were always EXTRA sleepy after shots) and you've both recovered from your big day! 15 lbs - he's bigger than Callie!!! Too cute!

dandsratz said...

Heather, this little man is SOOO adorable! Look at that big smile! Makes me want to kiss him! And we love these chunk babies--Mendy Gillis tells me every Sunday...gives us all more to love on them!! He's absolutely PERFECT!!! :)

Jessica said...

Ohhh...I hate shot days. When I took Cody the first time, I couldn't even stand by him. I made Chris hold him with his back to me while we both cried. They give you this look like why are you letting them do this to me. It's still hard and I have to do it again on Friday! Vallium anyone? :)
Give that sweet chunk of a boy a big kiss from us!