
the Speech!

I'm a member of our Toastmasters club at work - if you aren't familiar with it, it's an organization that helps individuals become better public speakers providing a friendly 'forum' for practicing our speaking skills. I gave my first speech on Thursday - the 1st speech is called an "icebreaker" and is supposed to be about me or a hobby, etc. So what was my icebreaker about? Being a mommy blogger, of course! I'm proud to say that my speech went muchhhhh better than I expected, I still need a LOT of work. The biggest piece of constructive criticism - watching my pace (no surprise since I'm a fast talker!). Anyway, I'm soooooo relieved to get this speech behind me!!!!


dandsratz said...

I was JUST telling Dave that this blogging MUST help my reading skills & IQ...and now I should use speaking! GO HEATHER!!!! You make us proud!! I can't wait to tell Dave! :)

Jen said...

Let me tell ya'll - I got to hear the speech and it was gooooooood!

anthonyandbeth said...

glad it went well! i do have to say i'm glad i don't have to give speeches anymore...they make me SO nervous! i'm glad you have a way to get some practice!!

Katy said...

Oh man - I would have LOVED to hear it!!! Good for you Heather!