
Beach sans Daddy

For the 1st time I took the boys to the beach all by myself - - it's usually a family outing considering all the 'stuff' you have to transport, but Jamie & I braved it 'without Daddy'. I stuffed Carter in the wagon with all of our 'sand toys' and drug that heavy heavy wagon thru the sand (that counts as a workout, right?). Anyway, many of you gals have done this 5thousand times (and likely with 10 more kiddos), but for me, this was a first (so indulge me please!).

Can you see Carter's sandy face - this is the norm....

Anderson & Ryan racing back & forth....
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Katy said...

I'll indulge you - good for you! You did it! It wasn't so bad, was it? I LOVE the beach!

Jen said...

Those wagons are unbearably hard, I vowed not to do the wagon by myself again!