So this is what Carter's Easter morning looked like - not quite the little man that we know & love - shortly after this picture he was asleep so we transferred him to the pack-n-play where he slept for 5+ hours (what a nap!). Poor little guy had a yucky stomach bug.
Big huge mistake - I told Anderson that the Easter bunny might open his door to make sure he was asleep - OK, big HUGE mistake - Anderson was PETRIFIED that the bunny was going to 'hop' into his bed. It was a huge ordeal -as you can tell from my 'dear bunny' letter. I had to sleep with Anderson that nite to make him feel better!!! LESSON LEARNED!!
Poor Carter:( We were talking about how much we miss hugging that munchkin while we were at the park:)
poor carter - it's the worst when they just lay there! The fake family picture of Mark & Katie Beth is hilarious though! :)
Heather!!! I can't believe you had to post a note on Anderson's door!!!!! :) Those precious boys!!! We were just talking about Carter at the zoo last week...HOW MUCH i love that little munchkin, and miss hugging on him with his priceless roles! :)
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