
Performance Review

This morning during Carter's nap, Anderson & I were outside playing catch.... for a few minutes anyway... A snippit of our conversation:

Anderson: "Mommy, you aren't very good at this game" sternly
Mommy: smiling, giggling
Anderson: "it really isn't very funny"
Mommy: "sorry, buddy"
Anderson: "I think we should find something else to do"

Well, how about that!!!!!! Apparently my performance playing 'catch' needs improvement!!!!


Andy and Jen said...

I know how you feel. I am no longer allowed to pitch baseballs to Alex. He fired me after only one afternoon. Now he only plays after Andy comes home.

Natalie said...

HA! This cracks me up:) I'm not really good at catch either...we can just sit on the sidelines and cheer!

Katy said...

Ha - so maybe he won't be in HR!! He'll need some work on the tact part of it! :)