
Word Verification Craziness

OK all of you high security blogger friends - Someone may have to loan me their magnifying glass to key in the crazy letters required to let me comment on your blog. I keep entering in the wrong letters and I'd like to think it's a function of the computer application and NOT the blogger (me)! All of this in good fun, but is it just me or the letters are getting harder and harder to detect? (you'll notice that I declined to turn on the word verification!)


Katy said...

Sue gave me such grief about it that I took that security feature off...and then started getting the crazy comments left. so for security, I put it back on. Sorry - you'll have to get your glasses out...or eat more carrots! :)

Jen said...

I too was a loather of the security feature, but once I got multiple spam comments, I enabled it. Sorry - held out as long as I could!

Jayne said...

You'll find mine completely free of crazy letters!! I got my first unknown comment, but immediately deleted it. I don't know that it's glasses that we need, but something to better bring them into focus. They always appear to be lurred together!!

The Petersons said...

I completely agree! It's good to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with those crazy letters.

anthonyandbeth said...

those letters are difficult and i mess them up plenty but it's the only way to keep those crazy comments from getting on your blog. i think i'll stick with them for now!

Natalie said...

So sorry...I got a crazy one and still do not know how to delete it...may remove it in a few weeks:(