
Easter 2010

What a wonderful Easter!! After Anderson got out of school on the Thursday before Easter, we headed out of town to spend Easter in Charlotte with Mark's older brother's family as well as with Nana & Papa. We had a wonderful long weekend - -my boys always have such a blast with their cousins, so it always makes for a good time! On Friday, the ladies head out to the Metrolina Flea Market - a HUGE flea market in Charlotte which hundreds and hundreds of vendors - we really enjoyed the day together and looking for great finds! On Saturday the kids participated in Brian & Monica's neighborhood's egg hunt and we decided to go to the Saturday nite Easter service at church. On Sunday we took it easy as it was also 'departure' day - - we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, let the kids do an egg hunt, made 'resurrection' rolls which symbolize Jesus being buried and then, when baked representing the empty tomb -- a wonderful visual way to re-tell the Easter story for the children. Definitely a tradition we will continue here on out!

Our family - -Easter 2010
Mark, Heather, Anderson (5) and Carter (2 1/2)

making 'resurrection rolls' on Easter "Resurrection" Sunday

Monica showing the kids the empty tomb! He is risen!

on your mark, get set, GO! The egg hunt is ON!
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Katy said...

love the new family easter picture - so cute!!!