
Birthday Party!!!!

We celebrated Anderson's 3rd birthday on Saturday with a costume party and some of his best friends!!! Anderson was Spiderman, of course. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast. We enjoyed some chili & hot dogs with cupcakes for dessert. Some of us adults joined in on the costume action too - I wore angel wings (how appropriate ; ), aunt Katie Beth was Dorothy, Mark was Batman and Nana was some type of 'cowboy'??? We're so thankful for Anderson's friends and the roles they have in his life!!

Ryan, future professional baseball player!

Mr. Schrodt (I mean Batman)

Look at these girls!!! Precious - Callie (6mo) and Emily (11mo)

Hey, where did the ball go???

mmmm, cupcakes!!

Anderson got the movie 'Cars' as a present -he could hardly wait for his guests to leave to watch the movie! (sorry - quite rude!) Mark couldn't relinquish the TV as the Bulldawgs were playing, so we hooked up the portable DVD player for Anderson.

Carter, just as cuddly as a teddybear!

Birthday boy himself - Anderson (aka Spiderman)

Daddy (Batman) and Carter

That's the other Spiderman fighting the bubbles (Josiah)

Group picture -

back row - Josiah, Jacob, Erin, Ryan & Anderson
front row - Carter, Emily & Callie

Just call me Angel

Jacob - to be 3 on Wednesday

Somewhere over the rainbow (that's aunt Katie-Beth)


anthonyandbeth said...

look like a GREAT party! wish we could've been there! Happy Birthday Anderson!

Natalie said...

Super fun!!! Happy Birthday Anderson:)


Happy Birthday Anderson!! Looks like you had a great party. Love the costume party idea too!

Jamie said...

Love all the pictures!! Had a blast celebrating Anderson's big day! It was so much fun getting the kids all dressed up in their costumes, what a great way to celebrate. Can't believe we are celebrating 3rd birthdays, seems just like yesterday they were just born.

Jen said...

I heard all about the fun and yummy food. Erin had such a great time. I was soooo sad I couldn't be there and Anna was too. I know it was a blast.

Katy said...

Such cute pictures of everyone (David's going to love his!!) It was a great party - weather perfect, friends even better! :)