
Cheesy Carter

So my favorite 5year old hijacked my camera for a photoshoot - I knew he was going to take one picture, but when I later got my camera- he took like 50 pictures, including the 9 pictures of his brother - apparently Carter is Anderson's favorite object to shoot. Obviously Carter was happy to oblige. Can't you just hear the "cheese". I have to admit I was happy to find all these cute Carter pics on my camera. Other favorite items Anderson took several shots of: the ghost taped on our window (we were ghosted), his blue light saber (or "saver"as Anderson calls it) and me in my pajamas on the computer (totally unaware).
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Katy said...

love the "cheese" pictures! :)

Jen said...

Very cute - you have to keep some of those, and I personally would like to see the one of you in your jammies!