
Spend the Nite Party!

So my dear sister-in-law Katie-Beth called me last week and asked if the boys could spend the nite with her on Friday - without hesitation I said "yes!", and then "are you sure?". After all - Katie-Beth is a single socialite and I wasn't sure if that she really would want to give up her Friday nite to hang with her nephews. But indeed she wanted to spend some time with them and also give Mark & I a little date nite. The boys were excited to spend the nite with Katie and so we packed them up and they didn't look back for a second! After I threw Katie-Beth some diapering curve balls with the supplies I sent (um, didn't send), she said they had a great time and Anderson is already ready to go back for another spend-the-nite visit! Mark & I headed to an old favorite restaurant where we wasted absolutely no time polishing off a bowl of the best cheese dip on the planet! And instead of sleeping in on Saturday morning, we opted for an early rise to hit some yard sales! We had a great time and enjoyed our 'boy-free' time!! Thanks Katie-Beth, we love you!!!!

ok, so a crazy picture - but I loved the 'crazy' Anderson pose going on here!!
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